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Wilhelm Layher GmbH & Co KG
Ochsenbacher Str. 56
D-74363 Gueglingen-Eibensbach

+49 (0) 71 35 / 70-0 

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Entered in commercial register:
Registry court: Stuttgart Local Court
Registration number: HRA 320227

Represented by:
Wilhelm Layher Beteiligungs-GmbH
Managing Director: Wolf Christian Behrbohm, Stefan Stöcklein, Tobias Dürmeier
Registry court: Stuttgart Local Court

VAT Reg No.: 
VAT Registration number under Section 27a of German Value Added Tax Law:
DE 145803672

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Wilhelm Layher GmbH & Co KG

Ochsenbacher Str. 56

D-74363 Gueglingen-Eibensbach

Disclaimer – Legal information

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