can be combined with:
SpeedyScafAGS SystemAllround Scaffolding
Scaffolding planning with LayPLAN SUITE: The software for scaffolding
Time and material are crucial factors in scaffolding construction. To make the most efficient use of both, the Layher range includes the practical scaffolding planning software LayPLAN.

The benefits
for you


Transparency in all work steps and cost control.


Increase in safety and profitability for every project.

Scheduling certainty.

Planning and scheduling certainty in every project.

LayPLAN SUITE by Layher – the practically-minded planning software

The integrated software solution

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Please register to request your personal data for downloads, orders & support.

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Then go directly to the LayPLAN login here.

Layher SIM – Scaffolding Information Modeling

Scaffolding Information Modeling – SIM for short – is a process based on 3D models and designed by Layher to meet the specific requirements of scaffolding construction.

SIM not only allows you to plan, assemble and manage temporary scaffolding structures more efficiently.
The future
in scaffolding construction
is digital – and it’s name is SIM

Contact person
and Service Centers

Fast support and technical advice are available from your contacts in the internal and external sales teams.